My personal list is 2 Nature Made Fish Oil, 2 Vit D3 2000IU, 2 Stress B-Complex and 2 Multi For Her which is a product value of 82.52 and I will be paying $29.92 after coupons and ZVR...I'm not going to run the gamble of it not being on sale next week...BUT, I will go check the shelf tag to see the sale dates and if it's going to be on sale thru the week of 8-8-12 (Super Doubles week) then I will hold off on getting them and save myself another $10.00 to pay only $19.92!! If the sale doesn't continue, I'm gonna hope for a raincheck for EACH item to use DURING Super Doubles!! THAT's the savings tip of the day!!
ALL these coupons are from so while you're over there, don't forget to sign up to win an Ipad-A-Day!! They are giving away an Ipad every day from today 8-3-12 thru 8-9-12! I'd love to have an Ipad!

I'm just going to link the coupons...there are too many products to list all the possible savings combinations! So, I'd recommend going here to the Harris Teeter online grocer to pricecheck this stuff =)
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