Thanks to my friend Dayna for sending me a copy of Dollar Tree's official coupon policy!! =)
Beginning August 26, 2012, Dollar Tree will be accepting coupons!! Woot!
A few things to be mindful of... (YMMV = Your Manager May Vary)
It sounds like they wont do BOGO but that might be a YMMV situation since there is actually a purchase requirement.
If it doesn't have an amount (FREE product) where they have to write in the amount, they wont take it
TWO internet prints PER TRANSACTION...not 2 per 2 items unless that's the only 2 you use.
No competitor coupons...however, Catalinas state manufacturer coupon right on them...so this is going to be another YMMV situation.
No overage given
Question...I'll have to find out....if you give a coupon for $1.25 on an item that is $1.00, will they adjust it to $1.00? Not sure...I'd think they will, but Dayna will have to clarify this for me once things are up and running. But if you think about it...Dollar Tree = items for a dollar....so I'm going to make it a rule of thumb not to take coupons that are MORE than a buck ;) but I'll let you know!
Remember, this is NEW to all the folks who work at Dollar Tree...BE NICE if there is a question upon checkout! We build good working relationships with our retailers so they welcome us back into the store instead of mumbling something about us never coming back! ;)
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