Whole Wheat Flour
Corn Meal
Boiled & de-boned chicken with reserved broth (about 2c)
2 eggs
1c grated carrots

For your base:
Start with 3c whole wheat flour, 1c corn meal and about 2/3c oats...blend dry together and set aside
In a blender....blend about 2c deboned chicken, 2 whole eggs washed (shells and all) and about 2c chicken broth to a soupy paste.
Add chicken mixture to dry ingredients then add carrots...mix (we use our dough hook) until combined...
this is where your flexibility comes into play...most generally it will be too "wet" at this point...begin adding whole wheat flour until dough becomes pliable/kneedable to roll out and cut into fun shapes...if you don't have cutters, you can always roll it out and cut into strips/rectangles.

Bake in a 325degree oven for about 30 min or until no longer pliable...turn oven off and let stand inside until oven is cool or over night...(this will dehydrate them to crisp). Crisp treats are more beneficial for 2 reasons....#1 they will clean your dog's teeth and #2 they will store longer.
This yields a ton of treats (depends on how you cut them) (we got 455 or about 40 dozen) which can be stored in an airtight container for about a week-2, in the fridge for about a month and in the freezer for about 6mo (ours never last that long!!)
**please note...these measurements are estimates. Doggie treat making is so incredibly flexible you can use about any amount of broth/drippings and meats you have...the variables will be the amount of flour or dry ingredients you use
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