The following pictures are of the food related items and a favorite healthy supplement in the 1st Smart Source insert I cut today...the rest of the coupons were non-food related...*insert sarcasm* See all the unhealthy items I can buy? Fresh chicken breasts, Boca Burgers, Whole Grain pasta, dried fruit...etc *sarcasm off*
Smart Source insert #2
Let's take a look at all the unhealthy items in this insert....again, these were all the food related and a vitamin coupon...the rest were non-food related.

And...just for the laughs....lets look at Red Plum and what unhealthy choices I have in that's a tip...your Manwiches are only as fattening as you make them...Manwich sauce is fat free ;) If you put it into fatty meat, then yeah...well, you increase the calorie count by more than it needs to be...add it to 93-96% lean ground beef and you have a healthy choice!

Ok...all jokes and sarcasm aside...I believe manufacturers are actually taking a look at consumer demands and are migrating a bit more towards healthier choices. I hope this information is of benefit so's was meant as a humorous attempt at defraying some of the negative feedback that coupon users hear frequently!
Here's to your health!
♥ Manda
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